1. Writing must be legible.
     2. Go through question paper at a glance with in short time (say five minutes)
     3. Select best answer known question and start writing with points of bullets.
     4. write the question number fairly in the margin only.
     5. Use any ball pointed or ink pen other than green and red.
     6  Green is being usedby  the cheif examiner and red is by the asst.examiner.
     7. keep the time management in the mind and weightage of marks  also.
     8. Write one sentence for one mark question and two sentences for two marks question like so.
     9. Do not change the pen in the middle if you want to change inform the invigilator and get the sign.
    10. Attempt all the questions as per the instructions and write extra answers if you have enough time.
    11. Write the page numbers before you start the answer to avoid the confusion at the end.
    12. Manage the writing the answers wel in advance of 10 to 15 minutes of time.
    13. In the last 10/15 minutes read the answers to rectify the gen.mistakes and underline the key words.
    14. Use space for rough work at the bottom of the page for mathematics caluculations.
    15. Provide one extra page of additional sheet for the caluculations of objective /bit/part B questions.
    16. Always write capital alphabets in objective/bit/part B  paper.
    17. Mark the answers in the objectiv paper first round by confidetially,next round remaining ,last round by 
        thinking  seriously.
    18. At any cost donot leave any single  answers as not attempted by you as there are no negative marks.
    19. Tie the papers in the order of main answer sheet,addl answer sheet,map,part B.
    20. Hand over to the invigelator/supervisor when your turn comes.

    M.NARAYANA, National Awardee,
    Deputy Educational officer ( F)
